Best TV Shows of 2018 ( so far ! )
Les meilleures séries TV de 2018 ( pour l’instant ! )
Bonjour vous !!
[ Français & English]
Vous ne le savez peut être pas encore mais je suis une fan de séries TV ! ( et de cinéma en général ) .
J’adore bien sur regarder un bon film mais depuis que j’ai ma fille, le temps se fait rare! Une bonne série TV c’est bien plus court et efficace ! ahah
Que vous ayez un petit coin TV ou un grand salon avec un écran géant et un super système home cinéma Panasonic,
(le rêve ! ) c’est toujours très appréciable de prendre le temps de se détendre devant un bon programme ! Pas vrai ?
Alors voici mon TOP 5 des meilleures séries TV que j’ai regardé en 2018 !
You may not know it yet but I’m a TV show fan! (and cinema in general).
I love watching a good movie but since I have my daughter, time is scarce! A good TV show is much shorter and effective! haha
Whether you have a small TV corner or a large living room with a giant screen and a great Panasonic home theater system
it is always very nice to take the time to relax in front of a good program!
So here is my TOP 5 of the best TV shows I watched in 2018!
Top 5 Best TV Shows 2018
TV Show n°5 – Big Little Lies
L’histoire de trois femmes, trois mamans, avec des destins très différents qui finissent par se rencontrer et sympathiser. Le tout avec une intrique assez captivante autour d’une histoire de meurtre et de secrets.
Sans compter les acteurs de talent !!
Reese Witherspoon , Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep et même le beau Alexander Skarsgard ( si tu regardais True Blood, tu sais de qui je parle !! Love! )
Une série qui j’espère reviendra avec plusieurs saisons !
The story of three women, three mothers, with very different destinies who end up meeting and sympathizing. All with a captivating intrigue around a story of murder and secrets.
Not to mention talented actors !!
Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep and even the handsome Alexander Skarsgard (if you were watching True Blood, you know who I’m talking about !! )
A series that I hope will come back with several seasons!
TV Show N°4 : Bull
J’étais super heureuse quand j’ai vu que le super Di Nozzo de NCIS aka Michael Weatherly était de retour dans une série rien qu’à lui !
J’aime le côté psychologique/ analyse de cette série qui me rappelle parfois Lie To me .
M.W incarne donc Jason Bull, un expert en conseil juridique qui vous épatera par ses stratégies et ses capacités d’analyses pour faire pencher la balance de la justice dans la direction de ses propres clients !
I was super happy when I saw that NCIS super cool Di Nozzo aka Michael Weatherly was back in a series just for himself!
I like the psychological side / analysis of this series that reminds me sometimes Lie To me.
Mr. W is Jason Bull, an expert in legal advice who will amaze you with his strategies and analytical skills to tip the balance of justice in the direction of his own clients!
TV Show N° 3 : Good Doctor
LA découverte de cette rentrée !! Ici toute la famille est sous le charme de cette série !
Encore une série sur les hôpitaux vous me direz ? Oui, peut être, mais l’acteur qui incarne le jeune docteur autiste « Shaun Murphy » alias Freddie Highmore, est juste prodigieux !
Une série pleine d’émotions, d’intelligence et même parfois de compassion.
THE discovery of this fall season !! Here the whole family is under the charm of this show!
Another series about hospitals you will tell me? Yes, maybe, but the actor who embodies the young autistic doctor « Shaun Murphy » aka Freddie Highmore, is just prodigious!
A show full of emotions, intelligence and even sometimes of compassion.
TV Show N°2 : Stranger Things
J’entendais parler de cette série partout ! Et un jour je me suis dit « ok, il faut que tu testes ! » et je n’ai pas regretté !
Je me suis enchaîné les deux saisons hyper rapidement, le genre de série où tu veux absolument voir la suite , et tout de suite !
Les jeunes acteurs sont géniaux, sans parler le l’actrice principale la jeune Millie Bobby Brown dans le rôle de « Onze » ou « Elfe » ainsi qu’une brillante Winona Ryder !
L’ambiance est très années 80 , qui pourrait nous ramener à » E.T » ou encore » Retour vers le futur ». L’intrigue tourne autour de la disparition d’un jeune garçon, le tout agrémenté par des événements surnaturels.
Bref, pour moi, un vrai régal cette série !
Saison 3 prévue pour l’été 2019 !
I heard about this show everywhere! And one day I told myself « ok, you have to test! » And I have not regretted it!
I chained both seasons in a row, the kind of series where you absolutely want to see more, and now!
The young actors are great, not to mention the main actress the young Millie Bobby Brown in the role of « Eleven » or « Elf » and a brilliant Winona Ryder!
The atmosphere is very 80s, which could bring us back to « E.T » or « Back to the future ». The plot revolves around the disappearance of a young boy, all enhanced by supernatural events.
In short, for me, this show is a real treat !
Season 3 for summer 2019 !
TV Show N°1 : Game Of Thrones
Ce n’est pas une immense surprise !! Comme des milliers de gens sur cette planète je suis tombée dans les griffes, ou les épées, ou ce que vous voulez, de Game Of Thrones !
Cette série!!! Tellement addictive !
Le combat de neuf familles nobles qui rivalisent pour s’asseoir sur le Trône de Fer. Agrémenté par des histoires de familles, des créatures mystiques et fantastiques.
Je ne vous présente plus le légendaire Jon Snow ou bien la » Mère des Dragons ».
Fascinant !
L’attente de la dernière saison prévue pour cet été 2019 est encore longue, patience les amis !!
This is not a huge surprise !! Like thousands of people on this planet I fell into the claws, or the swords, or whatever you want, of Game Of Thrones!
This show!!! So addictive!
The fight of nine noble families competing to sit on the Iron Throne. Embellished with family stories, mystical and fantastic creatures.
I don’t have to introduce you the legendary Jon Snow or the « Mother of Dragons ».
The wait for the last season scheduled for this summer 2019 is still long, patience my friends!
Winter is Here !
J’espère que vous avez apprécié cet article !! Si oui, un petit like, un partage ?
Laissez moi votre propre Top 5 en commentaire, je suis curieuse d’avoir vos avis !
Passez un bon week-end !
Hope you enjoyed this post ! If yes? Like and share if you care !
I’m curious to know more about your Top 5 ! Let me know in comments !
Happy weekend!
Disclamer : this post is sponsored by Panasonic

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58 commentaires
Toutes les séries TV que tu as présenté, j’adore ! Toujours le plaisir de te lire <3 !!
merci !!! super ! 😀
Azlin Bloor
You’ve definitely got a great list here! We are all big fans of The Good Doctor, and my kids love Stranger Things. I love Michael Weatherly, so am looking forward to watching his new series.
eheh thank you !! Yes ! I’m sure you’re going to love it !! 😀
I love Big Little Lies! I am so excited for Season 2. I have not watched the others you recommended yet, so I will have to check them out!
I love this serie too !! And yes can’t wait for the next season ! Yesss ! give it a try ! 😀
Vaibhav Mehta
Interesting collection. Not watched a single one of them thanks to my business and blogging taking up most of the time. I did start GOT but left it after a first few episodes as I found too many characters and not much of an intriguing plot..only to be told to watch it the whole hog and it’ll grow on me
I wish I could be a tv buff but I’m all about reading!
ahah I also love to read !! But it’s the same…not finding the time ! arghhh ! ahah thanks for commenting !!
What a great roundup of the best tv shows. I love Stranger Things but I am more hook on watching Good Doctor
they are so great right !! Good Doctor is tonight, ( here in France) guess who will watch it ? ahah
Jasmine Hewitt
The God Doctor is a very good show! I can see it being around for quite some time
I hope so !! I love it too !! 😀
Serena Millet
I have yet to see « The Good Doctor » but have heard such great things about it. I’m going to have to watch it!
yes yes give it a try !! I love this show, we all do in the family ! 😀
A big yes to Game of Thrones! I can’t wait for next year when we finally get to watch the last ever series! Sad but excited at the same time.
ahahah yesss same here !!! 😀
GiGi Eats
Man, I am so out of the loop. I don’t really watch TV – I can’t sit still for more than 5 minutes, ha! My husband loves OZARK though!
I have no idea about Ozark !! nedd to check this out ! eheh
Shannon Gurnee
These look like some good TV shows. We like to watch Stranger Things.
stranger things is so great ! can’t wait for the new season ! 😀
lauren stewart
I haven’t watched any of these, but there are a few I’ve been meaning to check out!! I’ve heard great things about the Good Doctor
the good doctor is definitely the crush of the season !! 😀
I haven’t seen a lot of these shows but I have seen Big Little Lies and I love it!!
I loved it too !! the actors are so great right ?!! Love!
Evelyn Hernandez
I love the Good Doctor, he is so funny and smart. Waiting on new season to start.
yesss! Love it too !! Here it’s just starting ! 😀
I havent seen the good doctor yet but it’s on my list for sure!
oh yes!! pretty sure you will enjoy it !! 😀
What a great list of 2018 shows. We’ve watched a lot of these shows already!
yes yes the best for me for sure ! eheh
Lauren Russell
I love stranger things! Can’t wait for the new episode
me too !! ahah love it !!
you’ve mentioned really awesome shows but i think for me the one that would be on top of my list would be THE GOOD DOCTOR!!! I love it so much!
I can’t blame you !! ahah I really love the good doctor too !! 😀
I haven’t actually watched any of these shows, but I have heard SO many good things about all of them! I definitely need to add them to my list!
oh yes !! A great distraction !! 😀
I love Strange Things! Its so good show x
I love it too !! saw like 10 episodes in a raw ahah
Bon, je l’avoue, Je ne regarde pas des séries et je n’ai la moindre idée d’aucune des ces séries, mais voilà que tout le monde ne parle que de ça , donc je viens m’instruire un petit peu! mdr.
ahahah ! t’as bien raison !! merci pour ton commentaire Nati !! 😀
GiGi Eats
I’ve only seen stranger things and honestly, while intriguing, I am not a die hard fan so if my husband watched it without me, I wouldn’t be sad and wouldn’t watch it by myself. I am honestly not much of a tv person.
ahahah in France we say » Tous les gouts sont dans la nature » 😀 Thank you Gigi !!
Heather Barber McMechan
I’m so glad you included The Good Doctor. I’ve been hooked on it since it premiered. So good, worth every second.
I agree !! so sooo good !! love it too !!
Holly Hood
I am a big fan of the Good Doctor. Thank you for the listing of the fall lineup. I will be looking out for some of these shows.
thank you for commenting ! Love the good doc too ! so fab
I’d have to say that I agree with you when it comes to Big Little Lies but The Good Doctor I just can’t. There is something about it that I just don’t get.
ahah !! Big little lies is so great !! The good doctor, or you love it, or you hate it! it’s particular for sure ! 🙂
Oana Durican
I may not have a top 5. I can’t wait to see the final season from GOT, but I also wait to see the 3rd season from Shadowhunters.
je connais pas du tout shadowhunter !! et oui stranger things c’est génial ! 😀
I love Stranger Things. They are shooting the new season here in Atlanta and I cross my fingers I can be an extra for the show!
ahah this would be fab !! can’t wait for the new season !
So happy to have found another Stranger Things fan! I love that show so much! I’ll checkout the other shows in your list! 🙂
oh yes it’s s o fab right ?!! can’t wait for teh new season !! 😀
Oana Durican
J’aime aussi certaines émissions de télévision, mais je veux aussi voir Stranger things.
Carol Cassara
I haven’t had time to watch any of these new shows! I’m interested in big little lies though! I’ve heard it’s really good!
Oh yes Carol it really is !! You can give it a try! only good actors ! 😀